An office building of colonial design stands adjacent to the main entrance of the cemetery on Valley Road. Here the business of the organization is transacted and all records are housed in fire protected files. Additional record protection is provided in the form of microfilm copies stored in a local bank vault. The facilities and conveniences of this office building are available to all present and prospective lot owners ever day Monday to Friday.
A service building built near the Mount Hebron Road Entrance is used to house and service the considerable amount of equipment necessary to the operation of a modern cemetery.

Receiving Vault & Chime Tower
In addition to providing interment service with the best and most modern of equipment, Mount Hebron Cemetery maintains other prominent features including a vintage Receiving Vault and Chime Tower which can provide appropriate atmosphere during committal services upon request.
Other services for lot owners include the landscaping of lots, special gardening services, winter grave decoration, cleaning of memorials, consultation service in connection with new memorials and the administrations of specific lots under special trust agreements. Further information about any of these services may be had upon request. The cemetery manager and his assistants are always available during office hours for consultation, advice or inspection of the grounds.