Trust Funds

General Fund

In 1903 the Board of Trustees with commendable foresight realized that future care of the cemetery might become a problem as interment space was exhausted and on that year accepted the first contribution from a lot owner toward a trust fund which has since been designated as the “General Fund”.

In addition to many other contributions which followed, the Association has set aside a portion of the price of each lot for this purpose. It is the present intention of the Association to continue this practice.

This irrevocable trust has grown substantially and the income derived from it is used to compensate the staff as required.

Maintenance & Preservation Fund

In 1940 a second step was taken with the establishment of the “Maintenance & Preservation Fund” to which various sums of money accruing from the surplus of lot sales have been added from time to time over the years. The income from this fund is devoted pricipally to the general maintenance of the cemetery grounds, roads, buildings, fences and similar features.

Special Perpetual Care Fund

In the same year a third trust fund was established as a result of interest evinced by a number of lot owners and designated as the “Special Perpetual Care Fund”. Its purpose is to provide for care above and beyond normal perpetual care, such as care of shrubbery, special grass care, winter grave decoration, plantings of various kinds, placement of floral tributes on special occasions and other special types of attention.

A large number of lot owners have availed themselves of this service by providing endowments either during their lifetime or by will. The operation of this fund is independent of the other trusts and the net income realized is pro-rated among participants.